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UN Environment Programme
The primary goals of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) are to coordinate and guide independent organisations with activities regarding the environment, assist developing nations in drafting environment linked policies, as well as act as a catalyst and advocate for the wise use and development of the global environment.

Delegation: Single
Topic 1: Disaster management of extreme heat events
Extreme heat events such as heat waves have claimed many lives throughout the world, and shows no signs of abating. The impacts of climate change could double the casualties and economic impacts from extreme heat events unless proper steps are taken by individual governments to prepare and respond to these events. Delegates can look to discuss the impacts that extreme heat events will have on populations, as well as the effect that climate change will have on the frequency and intensity of these events. Additionally, delegates will have to come up with recommendations that governments may refer to while keeping in mind the different stages of development that countries are at.
Topic 2: Reducing the climate impact of the fast fashion industry
The fashion industry has many environmentally and socially destructive practices, and the production of fashion produces up to 10% of global carbon emissions. The UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion was established to contribute to greater sustainability through coordinated action in the fashion industry. However, there still remains a long way to go before the fashion industry as a whole can achieve sustainable production and consumption.
Delegates will have to consider how the UNEP can further encourage the fashion industry, especially the fast fashion sub-industry, countries, and individuals to make a shift towards more sustainable practices, and to consider alternatives to that have not been explored.
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