Payment Matters
All payments are to be made by the dates outlined in the table. No country allocations will be released without payment and the registration will be cancelled if payment has not been received by the stipulated deadline.
Early Bird Registration
Regular Registration
Late Registration
(Price Per Delegate )
Registration Fees
SGD 100 (Physical)
SGD 20 (Virtual)
SGD 115 (Physical)
SGD 30 (Virtual)
SGD 130 (Physical)
SGD 35 (Virtual)
SGD 100 (Physical)
SGD 20 (Virtual)
Payment Timeline
^Note: All dates in the above table are in the format of dd-mm-yyyy.
Payment is to be completed via the following platforms, whose details are given below:
Bank Transfer
Credit and Debit Cards (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, UnionPay, JCB)
Google Pay (Only available on applicable Android device)
Apple Pay (Only available on applicable IPhone OS device)
Delegates are required to make their payment before submitting their registration form. Payment details and instructions will be provided in the registration form.​
Payments can be made via bank transfer to the following account:
If you would like to pay via bank transfer, please refer to the account information above.
We also accept Credit and Debit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayNow as a method of payment, in case of inconveniences with bank transfers. Payment will be processed through Stripe; should you have any trouble making payments, please do not hesitate to contact our Finance team through finance@ntumun.com.
NTUMUN 2025 offers a 50% discount on registration fees* for 20 local delegates (10 virtual, 10 physical) in financial needs. Allocation will be based on a first-come-first-served basis.
*Delegation discount does not apply.
Who is eligible?
All approved bursary recipients (E.g., MOE Financial Assistance Scheme, NTU Bursary) will be eligible for this discount.
For junior college, polytechnic and ITE applicants, you may refer to the MOE official website for approved bursary schemes: https://www.moe.gov.sg/financial-matters/financial-assistance
For undergraduate students, you may refer to the respective university financial assistance page for reference.​
How to apply?
Delegate sends proof of financial assistance to contact@ntumun.com
Subject: Delegate Name - Application for Financial Aid
Payments would only be accepted via methods mentioned above. No other payment mediums will be accepted. For delegations that require other payment methods or further assistance otherwise not mentioned above/ below, please contact our finance team at finance@ntumun.com.
This fee does not account for bank transfer charges. Kindly inquire with your bank regarding these charges. Any payment below/over the above amount will have to be cleared before the main conference dates.
If you intend to pay via PayPal or Stripe (Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay payments) please note that is priced inclusive of the fee charged by PayPal. Any payment below/over the above amount will have to be cleared 5 days before the conference.
Please ensure that the payment includes the name of the delegate/delegation representative under the remarks section so that we can track your payment once made. Without your name as a remark, we might not be able to track your payment, and your registration may be cancelled.
Any delegate/delegation without proof of payment will be considered to not have paid until mentioned proof is provided and vetted.
In the case where a registrant is unable to attend the conference for any reason, they must inform our Liaison and Delegate Affairs team at contact@ntumun.com to cancel their application. No other medium of contact would be approved to convey your cancellation.
Participants who cannot attend the conference are encouraged to find somebody else to attend the conference as a substitution, and inform our Delegate Affairs team of these changes.
In case a registrant has made a full payment but is unable to attend the conference for any reason, and is unable to find a substitute participant, the following Cancellation and Refund Policy apply.
*Does not apply for late registrations
Cancellations will be eligible for a refund according to the following policies:
Cancellations for Early-Bird or Regular Registrations within 3 days of the date of payment are eligible for a 100% refund.
Cancellations for Early-Bird or Regular Registrations within 4-10 days of the date of payment are eligible for a 75% refund.
Cancellations for Early-Bird or Regular Registrations within 10-14 days of the date of payment are eligible for a 50% refund.
Cancellations for Early-Bird or Regular Registrations after 14 days of the date of payment are not eligible for a refund.
Cancellation for Late Registrations is not available.
All Cancellation requests made after 1 of March 2025 would not be considered.
In case a registrant fails to inform the organization that he/she would not be attending, then they would not be able to request a refund.
All cancellations must be accompanied by a proof of payment, sent to contact@ntumun.com.
All refunds will be made via bank transfer unless arranged otherwise.